Contract Hereby Known as

As a professional, I understand the importance of choosing the right language to optimize content for search engines. One phrase that is often seen in contracts is “contract hereby known as”. While this phrase might seem innocuous, it can actually cause issues for SEO and readability.

When a contract is referred to as “hereby known as”, it means that a new name or title is being given to the document. For example, a lease agreement might be named “Lease Agreement hereby known as Rental Agreement”. This phrase is commonly used in legal documents to clarify the name of a contract or to differentiate it from other similar agreements.

However, from an SEO perspective, using “hereby known as” in a contract can be problematic. This phrase does not provide any useful information to search engines or readers. Instead, it can create confusion and make it more difficult for people to find the document they are looking for.

Search engines rely on clear and concise language to understand the content of a page. When you use phrases like “hereby known as”, you are not providing any useful information to the search engine. In addition, this phrase can make the language of a contract more difficult to understand, which can lead to confusion and misunderstandings.

So what should you use instead of “hereby known as”? A better option is to use a clear and descriptive name for the contract. For example, you might name a lease agreement “Rental Agreement for Property X”. This provides useful information to search engines and readers, and makes it easier for people to find the document they need.

In addition to being more SEO-friendly, using clear and descriptive language in a contract can also improve readability. Contracts can be confusing and difficult to understand, so it is important to use simple and straightforward language whenever possible. By avoiding phrases like “hereby known as”, you can make your contract more accessible to readers and reduce the risk of misunderstandings.

In conclusion, while “contract hereby known as” is a common phrase in legal documents, it should be avoided from an SEO and readability perspective. Instead, use clear and descriptive language to name your contracts and make them more easily understandable to readers. By doing so, you can improve the visibility and accessibility of your contract, while also reducing the risk of confusion or misunderstanding.